SINGAPORE : The Returning Officer for the General Election has ordered the Singapore Democratic Party to take down audio files and podcasts from its website.
The Elections Department says the podcast contravenes the Parliamentary Elections (Election Advertising) Regulations.
It says those found guilty are liable for a fine of up to S$1,000 or imprisonment of up to 12 months, or both.
Dr Chee, the SDP's Secretary-General, had recorded a podcast message and posted it on the party's website two days ago.
The Returning Officer has also issued a notice to all political parties with websites to remind them to conspicuously display particulars of any election advertising on their websites, in accordance to the rules spelt out.
Political parties have also been reminded to only publish election advertising on the Internet which conforms to the positive list set out in the regulations. - CNA /ct
The Democrats will not bow to the Lees

Chee podcast: Show Singaporeans you're really First World, debate SDP
23 Apr 06
The Democrats will not bow to the Lees
24 Apr 06
The Singapore Democratic Party will not apologise to Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mr Lee Hsien Loong. The Party will engage Mr M Ravi to act for it and we have instructed him to launch a vigorous defence.
The following have also signaled their determination to defend the legal action: Ling How Doong, Francis Yong, Chee Soon Juan, Wong Hong Toy, Abdul Rasheed, Christopher Neo, Chee Siok Chin, Gerald Sng, Mohd Isa, and Lawrence Lai.The Party has made a decision that it will not stop individual defendants from apologising to the plaintiffs as this is a matter concerning the individual and his/her family members.
Regarding the election campaign, the Party will continue to ask Ministers Khaw Boon Wan and Lim Hng Kiang to answer our questions:
One, why did the Ministers endorse the NKF and tell Singaporeans that the organization was “in full compliance with the regulations” despite the repeated warnings given by volunteers, members of the public and MPs about NKF’s operations?
Two, why did the Minister for Health reinstate NKF’s IPC status even though the NCSS had rejected it just weeks earlier?
We are still awaiting the Ministers’ explanations.
Singapore Democratic Party
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