Asia in the World, the World in Asia
September 16-18, 2006
Pan Pacific Hotel
About The Program
The Program of Seminars creates a forum during the Annual Meetings for private sector representatives, government delegates, representatives of civil society, and senior World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund officials to engage in dialogue on finding solutions to the major financial and development challenges confronting the international community.
The Program includes roundtable discussion, seminars, and regional briefings. The topics of the thematic sessions reflect issues that are making headlines and are affecting the lives of people. The regional briefings provide potential investors with unique access to policymakers and insights in to the business environment in emerging markets.
The Program promotes partnership, cooperation, and sharing knowledge, experiences, and new ideas. It is designed to interest a broad audience of policymakers, academics, representatives of civil society and others who attend the Annual Meetings.
Program Goals
To encourage and contribute to a dialogue among business leaders, high-level government delegates, World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund officials, and representatives of civil society about how to make the global economy work for everyone.
To provide cutting-edge, up-to-date information on topics addressed in individual seminars.
To catalyze actions to achieve sustainable development and international financial and economic stability by identifying institutional, social, and technological requirements for success.
To promote public-private partnerships to foster sustainable development.
Program Features
Seminars stimulate discussion about how to address the major development challenges facing the public and private sectors and civil society today.
Regional briefings provide information about investment opportunities in selected countries.
Publication and other printed materials cover the range of themes, regions, and countries addressed in the Program.
How To Attend The 2006 Annual Meetings Program of Seminars
The Annual Meetings Program of Seminars is open to private sector representatives, government delegates, representatives of civil society, accredited press, observers from international organizations, staff of academic organizations, government agencies and World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund officials.
Members of official country delegations, Observers from international organizations, and duly accredited members of the Press registered to attend the Annual Meetings are not required to pay a fee or apply in order to attend the Program.
Representatives of Civil Society Organizations must be accredited to attend the Annual Meetings. They are not required to pay a separate fee or apply to attend the Program of Seminars. The Civil Society accreditation system will open on June 1, 2006 and will close on August 1, 2006. Please see the Civil Society website for more information.
The 2006 Annual Meetings Program of Seminars pre-registration/application form is to be completed only by staff of academic organizations, government agencies and the private sector.
Private Sector representatives must apply and pay to attend the 2006 Program of Seminars. We welcome payments in the form of wire transfer, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Eurocard, Discover, and Diners Club.
All applicants will be accredited through the Annual Meetings accreditation process. Applicants are encouraged to submit pre-registration/application forms as soon as possible to facilitate this process, which could be lengthy. Once accreditation has been obtained, applicants will be able to attend the Program of Seminars. Applicants will receive a confirmation letter from the Special Guests and Visitors Office for the Annual Meetings.
The accreditation process to attend the Annual Meetings will begin in June 2006. On-site registration starting August 20 can result in lengthy delays in the accreditation and registration process.
Last date for pre-registration is August 20, 2006. Forms submitted after this date will require on-site registration which may result in delays of more than 24 hours.
Online Registration This on-line registration form is for the 2006 Annual Meetings Program of Seminars for staff of academic organizations, government agencies and the private sector.
You must register through the Civil Society website if you are a representative of:
Non-governmental organization ( NGO) or
Local community group
Labor union
Indigenous group
Think Tank
Charitable organization
Faith-based organization
Professional association
If you are thinking of attending you might need to start saving round about 2004.
Full Program - US $1500
One Day Program - US $950
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