So now 22 out of 27 initially banned protestors are allowed in. All because foreign NGOs and international institutions like the World Bank managed to pressure the regime into bending. Foreign pressure, in the form of carrots and sticks, work in making the regime changes its ways. Who would have thought that the regime could cave in when the entire world is watching?
Let's start change.
For Singapore's main champion of democracy, let Chee Soon Juan be unmolested (the regime is now in a daze after they gave in on the banned activist case and dared not arrest him yesterday). Cracking down on peaceful protests is embarassing for Singapore so the regime should put Singapore's interests first and change its position.
For the CSOs at the IMF meetings in Singapore now, let the CSOs protest in the main and bigger lobby of Suntec in full view of the delegates like it was orginally promised. Even better, allow outdoor protests. The small indoor protest space is embarassing to Singapore so the regime should put Singapore's interests first and change its position.
For all Singaporeans, let the the regime be more tolerant of dissent in general. The authoritarian regime and its engineered climate of selfcensorhsip is stiffling for Singaporeans so the regime should put Singapore's interests first and change its position.
Finger pointing exercise going on between IMF WB and Singapore about protests indoors and outdoors.,4139,113608,00.html
WB IMF say it is Singapore's fault.
Singapore says it is WB IMF fault.
CSO tired of all the bullshit and say it is both their fault and says screw them all.
Screw the lying WB and IMF
Screw the FamiLEE govt
Both are sleeping with each other
want to protest go back to your home country and protest. who walks into a stranger's house to complain?
The New Paper news mention about protest site change from the bigger visible one to the smaller out of sight one. Why this change? Don't drop the pressure in Singapore! CSOs should demand an explanation from the World Bank, IMF and Singapore.
Bravo! Hats off to Dr Chee and the others!!
Those pictures and video are great!
Dr. Chee is a joke. There's a running joke that says he's hired by the PAP to make the opposition look bad. He's succeeding admirably well. Hats off to him!
anonymous said...
Dr. Chee is a joke. There's a running joke that says he's hired by the PAP to make the opposition look bad. He's succeeding admirably well. Hats off to him!
9/18/2006 04:38:02 PM
So does the hireing of Dr Chee by the PAP meen it is necesary for the Lee's to sue an already bankcrupt man . This is the real joke and also a discracefull wast of Singaporeans taxes .
Today's New Paper reported the CSOs believing that the lousy protest site now at Suntec was the decision of the World Bank, not Singapore. The original indoor site proposed by Singapore was at the main entrance where heckling of delegates was possible. Irony of ironies.
anon 04:38:02,you made up the joke and expect fools to buy your craps.
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