Lawyer charged with disorderly conduct
So in Singapore if you dare to question or refuse to keep your mouth closed you can go to jail. The following article seems to smack of a vendetta against the defence lawyer of a man who has been condemned to death. Yet again it shows that the judiciary here can be used on an ad hoc basis to ensure that we are all 'criminals' if we question authority.
The article is from "The Straits" jacket, where they write only what they are told to write. I wonder if Amnesty International are aware of this situation.
And talking of Amnesty International I notice that the furore created by the PMs blopper of not knowing how many are put to death in Singapore, and the report citing Singapore as having the highest death penalty in the world, per capita; has never been refuted or a subject of discussion since promises were made quite sometime ago.
The Straits Jacket writes....
LAWYER M. Ravi was yesterday charged in a magistrate's court with behaving in a disorderly manner at a bar at Magazine Road.
Out on bail, Ravi is accused of yelling at the top of his voice in a bar.
The 35-year-old was accused of shouting at the top of his voice at the China Bar at about 1.55am on Nov 6.
He is out on bail of $5,000 until the case is mentioned again on May 25.
A person found guilty of disorderly behaviour in a public place can be jailed for up to one month and fined up to $1,000.
A second offender can be jailed for up to six months and fined up to $2,000.
Ravi first made the news in September last year after he had a heated exchange with High Court Judge Woo Bih Li while trying to seek a retrial for a condemned drug trafficker who had exhausted all avenues of appeal.
Justice Woo has since made a complaint to the Law Society against him for improper conduct in court.