All I am doing is providing a link to this site. I did not create nor do I know who created it. Made me laugh, then I was concerned that maybe there is a law that bans everyone from laughing at the leaders of the Singaporean government. I wonder if it is considered worthy of a defamation case or if it is crossing an Out of Bounds marker?

1.Goh Chok Tong's wife has destroyed his chances to become President, thanks to her hunk, Durai, and the NKF scandal.
2.That means Tony Tan will become President and will give up his position as Deputy Prime Minister (DPM).
3.Yeo will be picked over Wong Kan Seng for DPM as Yeo is even less competent than Wong.
I was looking for "When Thieves Fall Out" by C.V. Devan Nair when I came across this link:
First of all Singapore National Library where got order 25 copies of any book, however popular?
Then it was supposed to be always out on loan.
After 2 years on the library shelves, it was banned?
Even Devan Nair and Yong Pung How was supposed to have a copy.
I read last week a 5 page pdf excerpt from the book but don't have it now. (I wipe my harddisk frequently).
Don't know how May Chu Harding (Tiger Palm daughter) know so much about Yeo Cheow Tong and company when she also in exile in US.
Got Brunei prince, ex-CIA agent everything you know. Helicopter rescue, last minute change plan etc etc.
She run from first husband, marry John Harding, so I guess she US citizen now, so garhmen cannot zip her trap. Even if ban her book, she got internet.
Here, anonymous, if you can count, is the NLB's own page - 25+ copies. You have to learn to believe someone else than the garhmen. Just like everything in the book, we have the proof!!!
Official NLB Website
With all due respect, Mr Harding, I never said what you and your wife co-authored in the book is not true (especially since you are former IRAS data-centre big man ... the one place where with my security pass 17/2/1997 - 26/4/1997 I had no authority to enter).
What I meant was, I couldn't believe the National Library would buy so many copies of your book and then subsequently take it off the shelves. Since you were once a civil-servant yourself (superscale some more) you should know what this place is like.
Before you bark at me, you should follow the link on 'anonymous' and read my own story (maybe not so well written, but I also got proof ok). Maybe we should even get together and compare notes.
Why do I not use a name? Plausible deniability, my friend. "Don't need a password". I don't have the means to escape from paradise. Can't get a job as it is.
This is very interesting ok. Even with a free press, 2-term limit president, Ross Perot, 2 party politics, separate senate and congress, it doesn't mean you don't have to worry about who is minding the minders. (What is missing in the above is IMH rubber-stamping out your sanity.) I'm convinced we need to be very worried in our paradise.
Read the above in conjunction with and
lol bet her ass will rot
Will this become like the NKF saga again??? Being reported by the news and received attention from the public and scold or accused Mr Yeo of doing that and want him to step down???
Not you too Helen Yeo?
Anonymous. I am interested in your story, but cannot find the link you referred me to. Please advise. Thanks. John Harding.
PS You can email me directly at
PPS: The Singapore police notified us that May Chu's father, Jackie Lee, returned to Singapore after disappearing for 10 years. He was summoned to family court on 20 Oct, and will is scheduled again on Nov 6
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