9 Mar 2006

Imminent threat of detention and imprisonment of Singapore Opposition figure


6 Mar 06
Urgent Action
Prompt Intervention Requested

Imminent threat of detention and imprisonment of Singapore Opposition figure

Dr. CHEE, Soon Juan, the Secretary General of the Singapore Democratic Party was cited for Contempt of Court for comments he made which the court considered critical of the Judiciary in Singapore.

Contempt carries no maximum penalty, and the court is now considering imprisoning the opposition leader for his comments.

This is on top of a suit brought against Dr. Chee by a former Prime Minister, in which Dr. Chee question the policy of loans to Suharto at an election rally. The results of the previous suit prohibits Dr. Chee from standing for any elected seat under the Singapore law system.

I request prompt intervention on his pending imprisonment for speaking his opinion be made by the OHCHR [Office of the United Nations Commission for Human Rights http://www.ohchr.org/english/] immediately.

Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan
International Council Member
Nonviolence International
NGO in Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC

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