6 May 2005

A*Star seeks unreserved apology from blogger

I just read the following and I am rather concerned. What concerns me is that AcidFlask has already removed the ENTIRE blog caustic.soda., all that remains is an apology.

Exactly what does AcidFlask have to do and say, what 'magic' words does he have to utter to get A*Star to back off? A*Star also expects a promise never to do it again. Are we in school? Is AcidFlask to be made an example of, in order to get the rest of us to sit quietly and do as we are told?

Doesn't AcidFlask have a constitutional right to freedom of speech in the first instance? Why are those who are attempting to undermine this right continuing to behave like the aggrieved party? They are demanding that they control what he HAS said and what he WILL say in the future. Does anyone at A*Star have a copy of '1984'?, I suggest you read it then look at your demands.

A*Star's demands are ridiculous, and A*Star looks ridiculous.

My advice to A*Star, is that if you find yourself in a very deep hole the only advice worth listening to is, "Stop Digging". If you don't you are just making the situation worse.

Imagine an "Agency for Science, Technology and Research", being unable to accept criticism and having to respond with threats of legal action. Where in the world could such an agency exist?

The bind moggles.

A*Star seeks unreserved apology from blogger
By Valerie Tan, Channel NewsAsia

Posted: 06 May 2005 2044 hrs
SINGAPORE : Singapore's A*Star (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) said Singaporean blogger Chen Jiahao made direct accusations against the agency which were defamatory.

At a news conference on Friday, A*Star said it wanted Chen to retract the statements which it claimed were made on his blog.

A*Star said the post-graduate student made serious accusations that hit at the core of the organisation's integrity.

But it could not comment on what exactly was defamatory due to legal constraints.

The former scholar had since April 26 taken the blog off-line and published an apology.

But A*Star said it wanted the student to apologise unreservedly, retract what he had previously said in his blogs and promise not to do it again.

It said it had given Chen till May 8 to respond and that it had no desire to go to the courts over the issue.

A*Star's Chairman Philip Yeo had also invited Chen for tea to clear the air, and it said the student had responded that he would, when time permits. - CNA/de


  1. What is the "core" which A*Star is so frightened about? If it is so important and strikes at the heart of the organisation's integrity, why not come forth and say it?

    I smell fear.

  2. A*Star is not a government organisation like to sue people. If it is government official who did that. I think they will not sue as they are scared.

  3. stupid A*star don't go to their organisation BOYCOTT!!!!!!!!!!

  4. actually, it's not A*Star acting - it's a certain P. Yeo. So he's the one to be boycotting if anything.

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