21 Oct 2006

Something about muslims being angry

Here's a strange article I found on Singapore Window originally published by Forbes and allegedly authored by Uncle Lee himself. I struggled while reading it trying to decide what he was really trying to get at; It starts off by describing the Mid East conflict, talks about Malaysian muslims, and then finally gets down to our Singaporean born and bred muslims... Surely this is the seguey to the part where he gives a speech about how our muslims have great anger management skills. Oh wait, no. The subject goes straight back to the Middle East. And finally a flimsy argument for dessert as to why America needs to stay in Iraq.

If the US were to make a precipitous exit from Iraq, the Shiite and Sunni militias would be left to battle it out. Iraq's neighbors would likely join in, destabilizing the region. No American President--Republican or Democrat--can afford to let this happen.

Meanwhile, CNN reports Bush, Donnie Rumsfeld and his army commanders are shitting their pants re-thinking their strategy in Iraq. If people getting shot and blown up everyday in the capital city isn't a warzone already, please do tell me what is. Better still if you can tell me what the first 90% of the article had to do with the war in Iraq.


  1. I like the part which says "Singapore's 600,000 Muslims--15% of the population--did not demonstrate..." about the recent Isreal/Lebanon skirmish. It seems to impy that in S'pore, we do actually demonstrate over other issues. When was the last time there was a demonstration in S'pore? Errr, the Ah Beng in AMK central showing aunties how to use a new blender doesn't count....

  2. Good point bluheeler.
    As for uncle Lee, with due respect, it's way past his bed time...


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