1 Oct 2006

Singapore Donkey

A military coup in Thailand has resulted from Madam Ho Ching’s Temasek Holdings investment in Shin Corporation. It is unknown at this time whether Madam Ho purposely wanted to overthrow the Thai democracy or not. However, at a recent meeting of ASEAN, leaders expressed concern that too many governments in the region such as Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, and Thailand were becoming increasingly democratic and that this was pressuring more authoritarian regimes. An anonymous source in the Singapore government indicated that plans were underway to “take out one of the democracies” to relieve pressure, but it seems at this point that Madam Ho managed to do it accidentally. 


  1. From Singapore Donkey

    "President S.R. Nathan to continue drawing salary even after death

    In a move to attract and retain the best and brightest talents in Sg politics, it was announced that President Nathan will earn a salary indefinitely. This is expected to further increase the high level of transparency, accountability and professionalism already present among top Sg politicians."

    Hope he could make use of Sg currency in his next life too, provided he continues to take on a good rebirth of a human being. However, this would obviously depends on what he has accumulated in this present life. If one constantly authorises execution, that is shortening others' lives, the possibility of taking on a good human rebirth is very slim. But instead, one might end up in a horror state of rebirth in the next life (that is taking rebirth in the HELL REALM).

    So, even to be able to draw salary indefinitely is NOTHING APPEALING AT ALL!!

  2. For your info, in accordance to the teachings of the Buddha, the takings of others' lives result in accumulating very bad karma.

  3. this is ridiculous; Taksin was not a good example of democracy; nor was Temasek that pre-scient

    only idiots would believe that any of the asean governments is so democratic as to make singapore look bad in comparison; one reason for PAP's success is so many of its enemies act idiotically

  4. GUYS, GUYS, come on, open your eyes! just take a look at the site and all its "articles". Obviously its a satirical site and it's full of jokes and crap. The whole site is rubbish but good for a laugh. Are all your sarcasm and satirical sensors off or malfunctioning? Or non-existent?

    This seriously makes me question the ability of us Singaporeans to discern what we read and whether or not we are REALLY ready for the media liberalisation we've been blindly clamouring for. Maybe strict media controls are better for us since we're so easily misled by what we read.

  5. Johnathon: no sense wasting your breath. I have noticed when it comes to Singaporeans they believe what is written completely and can not look between the lines as to what really is being said. After talking to my fiancee about the school system and life in Singapore, I blame the schools and the gov't and work conditions. People there are not trained to think, expand and learn but more to produce, follow and obey. Thiking and learning is a danger to a dictatorship rule. What dictator leader wants a group of people saying "I dont think that is a good idea" but instead wants the people to go "yes leader, oohhh look something shiny"

  6. We LOVE soci and the services he has rendered to the Singapore blog scene. May he continue quoting articles from Singapore Donkey and Singapore Review!

    If you keep this up, we will most certainly award the entire Singabloodypore blog team with cultural medallions next year!

  7. singaporeans are not ready for western style media, they are not ready for anything. They require orders, four million smiles to greet the IMF lot, four million arsehols shitting in singapore river. The poor little robatic fuckers do not possess the power to think on their own.

  8. Don't blame them, they are brainwashed and controlled that their fucking brains think only of food, fucking and more fucking.But they refuse to have babies which actually is a good thing as their babies will have their genes and eventually will think the way they think.

  9. Paint the president pink, said one Mad magazine years back. It would have bewildered Singaporeans..hahaha

  10. an entertaining troll for comments. heh.

  11. anon 6:06 > singaporeans are not ready for western style media, they are not ready for anything.

    Fuck the collective — every collective.

    In fact, political and social humour is based on slamming the collective — the mindless automatons who quit their individuality for some "group" belief, culture, ritual and behaviour.

    No one needs "permission" to succeed in any chosen quest. In this universe and in the realm of human behaviour, anything goes, do what you love to do, and bugger the whingers and the critics.

    Well done Singapore Donkey. Keep rocking the house!


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