8 Jun 2006

Political Comedy Meme: The Singapore Politics Drinking Game!

Agagooga has written a hilarious post that might outdo the brilliance of Mr Brown's National Education series.

It is called The Singapore Politics Drinking Game.

Excerpts follow:
Every time the Party, the State and the Government are conflated, drink once.

Every time you see a stupid ST Forum letter about how democracy and Freedom of Speech are bad for Singapore, drink once. If the letter ends with "Majulah Singapura", drink twice.

Every time you see the archived shot of MM Lee crying, drink once. If it is accompanied with moving music in the background, drink thrice.

Every time a new buzzword is thrown up, drink once. Every time we have a new silly acronym ("SPRING Singapore"), drink twice. Every time a new false dichotomy is introduced ("Stayers" vs "Quitters"; "Heartlanders" vs "Cosmopolitans"), drink thrice.

Every time someone talks about Asian Values, drink once. Every time someone talks about the decadent West, drink twice. Every time we want to emulate the decadent West, drink thrice.

Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to add new rules to the Singapore politics drinking game in your own blogs, and link your post here, as well as add the following HTML code <a href="http://technorati.com/tag/singaporedrinkinggame rel="tag">singaporedrinkinggame</a>

I'll get the ball rolling now:

Every time someone talks about radical English-educated intelligentsia or ivory tower academics, drink once.
Every time someone accuses detractors as armchair critics, drink twice.
Every time someone invites critics to start their own political party, drink thrice.
Every time someone invites critics to start their own blogs, smash a bottle over your head. If the blogger is found to be evading taxes or being seditious/racist, smash two bottles over your head.

Every time the Whiteshirt party holds elections at the peak of the economic cyle, drink once.
Every time the ST reports the stock market rose the next day "because the Whiteshirts won", drink twice.
Every time the economy and stock market start tanking 6 months after the elections, drink the entire bottle.

Every time a Whiteshirt MP proclaims that a minor local accident or major international incident (that incidentally never affected Singapore) has brought Singaporeans together, drink once.

Every time NUS attracts an aged genetic researcher past the peak of their careers, drink once. If Papalee becomes the first successful test-subject for a bleeding edge life-extension technology invented by a pharmaceutical MNC based here, smash the bottle over your own head. If Papalee becomes a "negative outcome", buy everyone a round of drinks!!!


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