12 Jan 2005

Money or Values?, The Singaporean Question?

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A rather interesting comment that for me largerly sums up a rather long interaction and comments section to an article entitled,'Cogito'.

Anonymous said...
Some of those who have posted comments on the original article have taken Mr. Mc Dermott's comments as a personal attack.

Some of the replies are even irrelevant and fail to show an understanding of the the aritcle.
Mr. Mc Dermott's experience with students wanting to be spoon fed is not confined to Singapore but a phenomenon that plagues educational systems around the world.

Jamie Han Li Chou's reply is well written. I don't think it's too late for change but given the nature of some of the other comments to this thread, it seems some wouldn't even understand what the 'change' is.


  1. Too many comments for the previous entry. Of course there are some students who prefer not to be spoon fed. It is, however, unfortunate that this minority tends not to "perform" as well as the spoonfed majority. The students are perhaps not as worrying as a system that encourages and rewards spoon-fed people.


  2. "The worst part of all this is that the people who would be truly talented instructors, teachers and mentors have spurned education for the corporation where the dollars are fat and the people are fatter"

    I'm not sure about that. The people who are suited for pedagogics and those suited for business tend to be different.


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